An initial meeting occurs between Jeff Harrell and a potential client to discuss compatibility and expectations for the project. If the commission is secured, a design discussion ensues. The client often provides photos, magazine clipping, and notes to assist in conveying their vision. Of course, no visual aid is ever copied as each design is an original, however Jeff is skilled at gleaning a feel, mood, a desired detail, or a specific finish from a visual. This information, along with a detailed project discussion and review of the Architect's extensive portfolio photos nearly always allows the initial design sketches to approach client expectations. Please note that all original concepts are hand drawn and hand rendered as we feel this is absolutely critical to achieve the scale and artistry required in custom architecture. Further development including CADD refinement and 3-D modeling usually ensues once initial concepts are presented and generally approved. Once a final design is presented and approved, construction documents are completed. The design is continually refined throughout the construction document process. Being a full service firm, we are usually involved in some level of construction observation throughout the entire build process to monitor the execution, clarify design intent, and advise regarding value engineering and its effect on the design vision. Please see "SERVICES/DOCUMENTS" in this narrative for a more detailed description of document inclusions and the requirements of the project team.